For years I have invested without having a clear strategy, I was looking for a trading style that suits me better. Three years ago, I decided to diversify my sources of income. My security portfolio moved to Real Estate / dividend income portfolio. I also have an interest for options and i noticed i am able to generate a little income on a regular basis. This additionnal income will be welcome at retirement time.

The portfolio is based on a buy and hold strategy. This does not mean it is a passive income. There are many readings, researches and analysis. I am trying to do my homework more and more seriously. This is a welcome additional income but it is not as passive as we can read everywhere on internet. For example, this will never allow me to own a luxury car or some other luxury stuffs but i might enjoy from some extra salaries every year. It is a more reasonable point of view.

I decided to have benchmarks and indicators in
accordance with the « SMART » (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound) approach. I defined some income goals until my retirement they are probably optimistic but it is a good motivation to reach the target.

I started to modify the strategy of my equity portfolio by transforming it into a real estate portfolio. This portfolio allows me to benefit from generous dividends.

You can follow the journey on the real estate portfolio page.

Image source: Getty Images.

Due to the small size of my portfolio i am investing in ETFs for a better diversification. I am investing into real estates, bonds and index through ETFs.

You can follow the journey on the ETF page.

My second source of income comes from options trading. I use several options strategies to generate money but the main one is option selling.

You can follow the journey on the options page.

Finally, I also have a small crowdlending account opened in 2019. I will tell you later whether the test is conclusive or not.

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